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HomeEventsWednesday Pistol League, Band of Brothers, reserved bays 1-3 and Pavilion. Noon to 3 PM.

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Wednesday Pistol League, Band of Brothers, reserved bays 1-3 and Pavilion. Noon to 3 PM.

Date and Time

Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 12:00 PM until 3:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Robert L Nichols
630-408-7591 (p)
630-408-7591 (c)


Wed Pistol group

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Band Of Brother group, everyone including Ladies Welcome. Have been a group for over 25 Years. FOR THEIR MONTHLY CALENDAR: Look on our web home page, upper left boxes, and hover over "Shooting Sports" Click on the dropdown for pistol, which is in the dropdown of their monthly calendar. It tells you what they shoot weekly. It changes every month. set up at noon and start shooting at one PM